a shoestring journey in pictures and words

O'ahu Beaches (part 1 of however many I eventually put together)

Dogsitting locations: If you have a choice, I recommend Hawaii. Quadruply so if the dogs' owners are a world-class aunt and uncle who bookend your three-week stay with leis and laughs. I'd never given floral fashion accessories much thought, nor yearned for jasmine around my neck... but that just amplified the hospitality ka-pow of being greeted and embraced with a wearable bouquet. The things smell awfully pretty.

Hawaii: It's happy-making. Here are some sandy pictures.

Bragging point: We were in the water at the North Shore a week before they called the eighth-ever "Eddie" big wave competition. Admittedly, I capped out at wussie-level bodysurfing at Waimea Bay on a (relatively) calm day. But still. Brushes with giants.

These photos reside on Flickr.

For a wordier take on foreign independent travel, see my jottings from a 2003-4 Pacific Rim trip.